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PSYCH-KĀ®ļø ~ Akashic RecordsĀ ~ LightĀ Language Grids ~ Soul Purpose Deep Dive ~ Divine Intervention

What is PSYCH-KĀ®ļø?


PSYCH-K FIVE SESSIONS - $1111 ($222.22 each)


WhatĀ are the Akashic Records?


Discover the Akashic Records ~ $250 Session

What is Light Language?


Light Language is the Mayan Art of Manifestation through Color, Light and Sacred Geometry

Light Language is a form of communication that uses sacred geometry and colored light to encode meaning. It is based on the idea that light is a living energy that can be used to create, communicate, and heal.

Light Language is a type of written communication that uses light instead of words to convey meaning. It is a nonverbal form of communication. For centuries, curanderos of the Mayan and Aztec cultures have used Light Language to communicate with the spirit world and to create and manifest with clear intention.

Book My Light Language Grid

What is a 12 Chakra Personal Grid?


Book your 12 Chakra Grid

The Benefits of a 12 Chakra Personal Grid

12 Chakra Personal grids create a blueprint for optimal health, happiness and power. Each chakra is assigned a specific sacred geometry to create higher resonance, energetic flow and coherence.

These grids facilitate the connection between the higher and lower selves. This process organically brings forth clarity, higher perspective and more visionary seeing. 12 Chakra Grids inspire deeper soul connection, true self-love and inner comfort.

The 12 Chakra Grids improve the chakrasā€™ ability to express light and higher frequencies, while improving receptivity of information. Light language grids improve physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and psychic health, power and well being.

Light Language 12 Chakra Personal Grid are one of the most powerful ways to calibrate and synchronize all four systems in our body: chakras, meridians (energy pathways) brain/heart/gut brains and auric fields. This process helps identify which sacred geometry best inspires change for you so that it can be brought into being with ease.

PRICE - $222


Choose a 49 Shape Grid, when you need quicker results


The 49 shape light language grid is a manifesting powerhouse. The grid connects and aligns you and your intentions to Universal or God consciousness. It creates an unparalleled bio-resonance that facilitates the co-creation of your declared intentions. When used for discovering and aligning with your soul purpose, the grid facilitates internal alignment with soul agreements and the ā€˜big picture.ā€™

This process activates the blueprint encoded in your DNA (hereditary), cells and energetic (etheric) bodies which creates an accelerated bio-resonance on all levels.

The 49 grid sets in motion the processes, circumstances and events required for you to move through and beyond obstacles and limitations. Clarity arises organically. You tend to become more aware of limiting patterns, beliefs and internal dialogue. Life will set you up to reconcile the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects preventing you from moving forward.

The 49-shaped Light Language grid is like a prayer that goes out to the Universe. It has powerful forces of sacred geometry, which attract supportive energies and help you manifest what your soul has deemed most important in your life!

$222 for 49 Shape Grid

Book 49 Grid Now

The Light Language Power House The AdvancedĀ Grid

Advanced Light Language grids (12 x 12) catalyze powerful change on the physical, emotional, mental, spiritual and psychic levels.

The Advanced Light Language grids are excellent tools for releasing limiting beliefs, patterns, personal laws and the energetic imprints creating self-doubt and energetic blocks preventing you from moving forward fully in pursuit of your Soul Purpose.

The Advanced Light Language grids are highly effective for deep healing, detoxification and at getting at root causes of diseases, ancestral patterns, deep trauma and major blocks.

The colors and shapes work at a DNA level to rewrite your blueprint while activating twelve-strands allowing access into higher consciousnesses.

Highly recommended for chronic diseases, autoimmune conditions, childhood trauma and abuse, desire for long lasting growth, financial limitations, self-esteem issues and a strong desire to break free from limitations.

$333 - 144 Grid Session

Book Advanced Grid

What is a Soul Purpose Deep Dive?

Work One-on-One With Sue

Personal Deep Dive and Reading

What Your Soul Needs You to Know Now

Enjoy a personal deep dive and intuitiveĀ reading that reveals what your soul needs you to know now. Whether you've decided to discover your true calling in life or just need some answers. These readings connect you with your higher self and can give you the clarity you need to move forward with confidence, trusting in your gifts.

30 Minute Session - $125
60 Minute Session - $250

What is Divine Intervention?

Schedule Your Divine Intervention Session

Divine Intervention

A revolutionary technique that has the power to transform lives and create miracles.
  • Imagine feeling better than you ever have before
  • Imagine finally being free from your chronic pain, worry, doubt, shame, and anger
  • Imagine living your life with purpose and alignment, finally being who you were meant to be
  • Imagine identifying and uprooting the core issue of the disease

With Divine Intervention, we are graced with a cosmic opportunity to alter our physical and energetic state.

$250 - Session

Book Divine Intervention Session Now

Divine Intervention Session Preparation

- Each session runs 60 minutes.

- Sessions are best performedĀ in-person.

- Prior to the session, please identify your top priority.

- First time clients need to complete and submit my new client form (link here)

***If you are currently being treated for a specific disease or condition, please email meĀ [email protected]Ā any background or pertinent information from your doctors you think is important.***

Book Your Session

Ā Stargate Monthly Healing

Become Part of the Community

For only $111 per month, youā€™ll receiveĀ 

  • Experience transformative distant healing - 3 times/week cultivating optimal health: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritualĀ 
  • Strengthen your immune system
  • Address existing conditions on an energetic plane to restore vibrant and thriving health
  • Uncover limiting beliefs and patterns in order to break free from imposing limitations
  • Uplevel your gifts, skills and techniques
  • Increase your vibration to invite in greater joy, connection, creativity, clarity, abundance, magic, miracles and grace
  • Live a more authentic, purposeful life
  • Join a connected, compassionate, supportive and inspiring community
Join Stargate Monthly Healing