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Corporate Healing – Business’s New Cutting Edge

business corporate healing Jan 17, 2023
Corporate Healing – Business’s New Cutting Edge

What Makes up the ‘Energy’ of Your Company?

Corporate Energy Encompasses the Products, Services, Transactions and Most Importantly…the People

Corporate healing introduces cutting edge protocols to the business world. Corporate healing demands you expand your understanding of fundamental structures and principles. Structures you probably didn’t study in school. So, how do you know if you’re ready to ride this edge? Perhaps you can start by answering this simple question: You make a great product or provide a much needed service. You employ a lot of people. Consumers love your products. Does that mean your company has good energy? I say…it depends.

To be clear, companies do have “energy.” It’s a thing. Here’s why. According to universal law, humans are vibrational beings. We are energetic beings. Our thoughts and intentions create. Each creation has an energetic footprint. Everything we imagine, design, manifest or build, including companies, has an energetic blueprint and footprint.

A company’s energetic blueprint encompasses all of its business dealings, including the founders’ original intentions, inspiration, and financial outlook. Further, the energetic blueprint holds imprints of the company’s transactions with employees, vendors, contractors, customers, retail partners, distributors, etc.. The blueprint holds the company’s fullest potential, while also storing positive and negative imprints.

Positive energetic influences on the blueprint include sales momentum, meaningful social impact, inspiring designs, products and technology, quality ingredients, shared purpose and vision, protocols around sustainability, genuinely respectful treatment of employees and customer satisfaction.

Negative energetic influences can be anything from lawsuits, bankruptcy, fraud, unresolved internal conflict, labor disputes, contracted sales, stagnation in innovation, market over-saturation, and negative press. Pervasive, negative employee sentiments weigh negatively on the company blueprint.

So how does a company generate and accelerate good energy, while clearing out the negative? The answer I found, is fairly simple, although not conventional.

How I Started Working with the ‘Energy’ of Companies

My introduction to company energetics started about fourteen years ago. During an intuitive consultation, an executive, concerned about declining sales in a region, asked if I could discern what was inhibiting growth. Typically, when doing an intuitive consultation, I usually receive a quick image, a “knowing” or thought-form guidance surrounding my client’s particular inquiry. To garner this type of insight, I ask the question internally, employing a combination of intuitive and empathic techniques.

This time when asking the question about the company, the internal response I heard and felt was very different. The response had a deep, dense vibrational quality, a sound. Turns out, the company was communicating. More specifically, the energy of the company was resonating within me.

As strange as this might sound, it made sense. The company was a separate, dynamic, autonomous entity, separate from its owners. The company had its own energetic blueprint. The company intuited to me the cause of the stagnation in sales. It was clear I could employ certain healing techniques for releasing the blocked, negative energy. So I set out to work directly on the company’s energetic blueprint. The executive called me the following week to tell me very unexpected changes had begun to unfold. I continued to work on this and other companies, exploring this new territory.

But that was over fourteen years ago. Since then, energy work, while not yet mainstream, has come a long way. Companies have evolved to employ “good energy” practices. Offices are designed using principles of feng shui. Spaces for yoga and meditation are provided. Acupuncture and massage therapy are covered benefits. Meals are provided. Personal development is encouraged. Practices like these increase “good” company energy.

Some might say companies have to work harder today to attract and keep top talent. People bounce from job to job. Innovation is happening so rapidly, cross functional teams need to be bathing in inspiration. Fortunately, we now know of more techniques for increasing creative flow and accelerating momentum.

Since that first encounter, I have conducted corporate energetic attunements and calibrations to companies of all sizes. I have fine tuned the process for infusing vibrancy, innovation and positive momentum into designs, ventures, platforms, strategies, technology, whole corporations or budding ideas. These energy infusions activate and illuminate the company’s blueprint and fullest potential, while inspiring strategic vision and innovation.

Recently, I was asked to develop a guide on how to create conscious company culture. After spending time listening deeply for guidance and wisdom, I felt inspired to write this piece. Why? Because humans spend a lot of time at work. Every single employee is affected by his/her company’s energy. Each and every day. Good company energy is good for all.

To be clear I am In no way trying to diminish the hard work, efforts, innovation, and commitment to excellence of employees going about their work. Some poorly run companies have solid financials and do well in the marketplace. What I am drawing attention to is there are many layers to the challenges confronting businesses.

Obstacles to growth can be both seen and unseen. Getting a leg up on competition has taken on a whole new meaning. In addition to companies employing positive strategies for fostering corporate and employee growth, companies can regularly attend to its energetic blueprint. With so many challenges facing companies, doesn’t it make sense to do both?

If your intuition is nudging you to take a closer look at this work, start by feeling the energy at your office. Make a list of any challenges and/or people you suspect are negatively influencing your company. Take some action. Your company (and employees) are counting on you.

To learn more how corporate healing can benefit your company, email me at [email protected] to schedule a call.


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