Tired of needing a purpose driven career, but don't know where to start? Look no further...
Activating a 12 Chakra Personal Grid is your first power step toward identifying your soul purpose and soul brand. This grid harnesses the power and potency of light language into your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies.
Sessions combine a psychic soul brand introductory reading and 12 chakra assessment, culminating in the strategic placement of a colored sacred geometry in each of the main chakras.
Your 12 chakras will be calibrated and vibrationally accelerated to create individual power and collective synchronicity and alignment.
Once the 12 Chakra Grid is activated, you’ll notice:
- A change in how you approach life’s situations and challenges
- Greater ease with conflict resolution
- Expanded clarity and vision
- Your Soul Purpose and Soul Brand coming more clearly in focus
- Opportunities flowing to you
- Increasing synchronicity and serendipity
- Greater trust and confidence
Once You have a 12 Chakra Personal Grid... What's Next?
A Soul Purpose Alignment 49 Shape Grid
- Clarify your life's purpose and find your true north
- Experience more synchronicity and flow in your life
- Align with the energies of the universe to bring your dreams into reality
What's a 49 Shape Grid?